John Black, Mayor

307 West Jefferson Street


A logo for the city of la grange kentucky

City of La Grange, KY Commissions

Are you ready to be considered to serve as a volunteer on a City board or commission?
As a City resident, would you like to volunteer a short amount of your time to serve on any of the following committees for the City of La Grange. If your answer is Yes, please let us know by filling out the application form below and submit your qualifications to be considered for any one of the following boards or commissions. Depending on what area that you may choose to serve, all of them can be rewarding if you want to serve your City. Please use the online form below to forward your resume to my attention, or you are welcome to mail to me directly:

​John W. Black
La Grange City Hall
307 West Jefferson St. 40031

As vacancies occur or members step aside for any number of reasons, I will do my best to make an appointment with you to possibly determine if your background and experiences would be beneficial to a specific boards duties and responsibilities. Thank you for your willingness to be considered for any one of these board positions.

Board or Commission Volunteer Interest Form

Historic Districts Commission

The Central La Grange Historic Districts encompass much of the historic portion of the City of La Grange and provides an excellent picture of what the community was like at the height of its development in the early years of the twentieth century. It includes residential, governmental, religious, and transportation-related resources. La Grange's historic character is derived from its role as a county seat and as a railroad community. The present appearance of the central district is still very much dominated by the courthouse square and the railroad which, with its track slicing down the center of Main Street and its long trains passing regularly through town, provide a strong visual presence.

​The HDC strives to maintain the historic character of the City of La Grange. It was established to oversee the regulation of changes to the property in the La Grange Historic District. Their purpose is to review each application for Certificate of Appropriateness on a case by case basis. The goal is to uphold the regulations and guidelines as closely as possible, offering suggestions and alternatives when they are warranted.

​The Commission meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM at La Grange City Hall in the community room.
Barbara Calloway

Utilities Commission

The La Grange Utilities Commission provides water and sewer services to the residents and to some of the surrounding areas of the City of La Grange, Kentucky. Our water is purchased from the Oldham County Water District. The water is pumped from wells under the Ohio River bed at Westport, Kentucky and then processed and treated and pumped into our lines. Water meters are read on or around the 15th of each month. In inclement weather, we estimate the readings. The bills are mailed out on the last working day of the month and are due by the 10th of the following month to avoid a penalty. A 10% penalty is applied to the water and sewer charges if the bill is paid after the 10th of the month. A past due notice is mailed out approximately 10 days before the actual cut-off date. The cut-off date is at the end of the month, just before the next month's bill is mailed out. 

For information on water and sewer rates, please contact our office at . An application must be filled out by all new customers and a $45.00 origination fee is required. The La Grange Utilities Commission also bills and collects for garbage service. 
412 East Jefferson Street 

The La Grange Utilities Commission is a Commission appointed by the Mayor of La Grange. The Commission runs all aspects of La Grange Utilities. They meet the 2nd Monday each month at 4:00 PM at the LaGrange Utilities office and their board consists of 4 members plus one City Council Member. Their meeting consists of a monthly agenda which includes but is not limited to discussion of their financials, any repairs and maintenance issues, on-going/potential projects and any waterline issues.

Board of Adjustments and Appeals

The Board of Adjustments and Appeals serves as the voice of our local government in making decisions concerning certain development issues. The Board was established as part of the community’s zoning regulations. The board consists of 5 Board Members and they meet on the 3rd Monday of every month at 8:30 AM at the Fiscal Court Building.

Code Enforcement Board

The Code Enforcement Board was created in order to provide a fast, fair and effective method of ensuring compliance with City ordinances. A board hearing allows parties to present testimony and witnesses to support their claims concerning any citation issued by an enforcement officer. The Board meets on an “as-needed” basis at the Fiscal Court Building and consists of three Board Members.

Ethics Board

The Ethics Board is a committee that oversees compliance with the rules of conduct, standards and policies within the city and to be upheld by all City of La Grange employees. Its purpose is to provide a method of assuring the standards of ethical conduct and financial disclosure requirements for officers and employees of the city shall be clearly established and upheld. The Board consists of three Board Members and they are required to meet annually.

Planning and Zoning Commission

The Oldham County Planning and Zoning Commission serves as an instrument of local government in making decisions and recommendations concerning the county's physical development. To achieve this, the Planning & Development office prepares long range plans to provide for balanced growth. It reviews development proposal for compliance with locally adopted plans and regulations. It monitors development activity and requires conformance through property code enforcement. The commission was established as a part of the community zoning regulations and consists of 15 members: 10 appointed by Oldham County Fiscal Court, 2 each by the cities of La Grange and Pewee Valley and 1 by the city of Crestwood. They meet on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 9:30 AM at the Fiscal Court Building.

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