The James T. Beaumont / La Grange Community Center is a focal center of the City of La Grange. Named in honor of James T. Beaumont, a long-serving City Council member who was a strong advocate for youth in our community. The Beaumont Center is home to La Grange City Hall, and includes a full size (regulation) basketball court, walking track, full kitchen, 150+ capacity meeting room, restrooms, four classrooms, a game room and an aerobics area.
307 West Jefferson Street, La Grange
Monday-Friday: 9am to 9pm
Saturday: 10am to 6pm.
Walking Track
Monday thru Friday from 8am-4pm
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9am-Noon
Open Gym
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 1pm to 4pm
Sundays: 6pm to 9pm
Mondays: 6:30pm, Wednesdays: 10am & 6pm
Line Dancing
Thursdays: 6:30pm