John Black, Mayor

307 West Jefferson Street


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Lienholder Notification

  • Code Enforcement Final Orders

    The City of La Grange maintains a notification system that provides lien holders, and others that elect to do so, with electronic notification of all final orders issued by the City's Code Enforcement Board pursuant to KRS 65.8801 to 65.8839.

    At least once a month, the City sends electronic mail notification of all final orders issued since the last date of notification to each registered party. Interested persons may register for this electronic notification by signing up on the form below. 

    A lien holder of record may, within forty-five (45) days from the date of the issuance of notification through electronic mail, correct the violation if it has not already been abated and elect to pay all civil fines assessed for the violation and all charges and fees incurred by the City in connection with the enforcement of the ordinance, including abatement costs, in order to maintain lien preference. If the preceding action(s) are not taken, the City of La Grange will obtain and maintain the lien priority over previously filed liens except liens for state, county, school board and city taxes pursuant to KRS 65.8835.

    Please contact Code Enforcement Officer Stephanie Wenther at 502-222-1433 if you have any questions regarding the City's Code Enforcement Board and/or final orders.

    An archive of all final orders issued can be found by clicking the link below, Lien Summary Form.

Lienholder Notification System Request Form

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